This 2-day event was held in Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur, which was chaired by Dr. Janethy Balakrishnan president of AIMM. Honorary guest speaker Dr. Mike Barnes who is a renowned medical cannabis expert and consultant neurologist shared his insights and experience on the legalization of medical cannabis in the UK and the challenges Hannah Deacon shares about her personal journey in treating children for epilepsy with medical cannabis and the intricacies of the cannabinoid system.
During this event, AIMM also invited Mr. Pornchai Padmindra, Founder & CEO of Dr. CBD which is also one of the main sponsors for this event to talk about Thailand’s Medical Cannabis Industry and operating model. This event also features government officials from MOH divisions such as NPRA, and TC&M.
Some of the participants of the AIMM conference also had the opportunity to get enrolled in the Level 1 professional medical cannabis certificate program for medical practitioners, pharmacists, and other industry stakeholders interested in the subject. AIMM’s goal is to make Malaysia an education hub for medical cannabis, starting with the Asian Network For Education On Cannabinoids (ANEC) Certification Programmes and Examinations.